13 juin 2011

J-47 / D-47

Hey there! I have a few news for you :). Well, first this article is going to be English for all you non French speakers. Not that you care that much anyways, but yeah.
So, although it's still not 100% official (I don't have the tickets yet), I'm leaving on July 30th, landing in Stockholm in early evening. I just honestly can't wait, today is D-47, which means it's less than 50 days away (See, how I can count?! Jealous, huh? ^^)!!!!! I'm sooo excited. Also, my first day of school will be August 23rd, and I'll meet the headmaster like 2 weeks before to choose my classes. I'll have some classes with my grade, and some others will be classes of Swedish for immigrants, which will be composed of (guess what?) immigrants. Hopefully that will allow me to learn Swedish faster. För min svenska är sååååååå DÅLIG. And if you didn't understand this last sentence without using a translator, it simply means that your Swedish is worse than mine, ^^.
Anyway, it had been a fairly long time since I had last posted on here. If you come by, post comments, it would really be appreciated because it truly feels like nobody reads my posts, although my flag counter tells me otherwhise. So if you're around, just post a little something proving you read, I'll try to answer the comments, and if you have questions, I have an article in which I'll answer any questions that I might be asked. It's pretty much empty right now because I haven't gotten any questions, but well, you can help by asking questions if you have some :).

Hej då!

5 commentaires:

  1. hej marie! i'm reading this! i'm jenna or got2havesisu from cultures shocked. :-) i think it's so wonderful that you're going to sweden and i think you'll have a wonderful time there. och jag måste säga, min svenska är också så dålig. haha!

  2. Alors parmi tes lecteurs tu as moi ! ;-) J'ai découvert ton blog il y a quelques jours. Comme toi, je m'apprête à partir 10 mois en Suède, pour une année Erasmus (départ le 23 aout). On risque ainsi de vivre des expériences communes !!! Lire ton blog me fait en tout cas penser qu'il va falloir que je me mette très vite au suédois ! (oui, j'utilise encore Google Traduction)

  3. Wow, readers! xD

    @Jenna: Thank you very much! You went to Finland, right? I almost chose it but Finnish sounded so hard I just gave up, haha. Och jag är så glad för jag förstår dig!

    @Paulinette-chou: Cool, une lectrice française :). Tu sais où en Suède tu vas? Et tu vas voir, le suédois c'est pas si compliqué. A part la "conjugaison" (je sais pas trop comment ça s'appelle) des noms et des adjectifs. Mais en immersion ça va le faire :). Jag tycker du kommer att lära svenska snabbt!

  4. Je pars à Växjö, dans le centre sud du pays. Et tous mes cours seront en anglais ... Heureusement ! ;-)

  5. Oh, c'est stylé :). Je parlais à un gars, un espagnol, hier sur FB qui va aussi là-bas à la fac l'année prochaine :D. Je peux t'envoyer son FB par MP si tu veux :)
